1. Avoid toxic people
Toxic people are a number one energy – drainer. If people in your life complain, judge, criticise or just generally bring you down..... then stay away from them! If you cant avoid them, then limit your exposure. Surround yourself with positive, upbeat people instead and feel the energy surge. – Remember the glass is always half full rather than half empty!
2. Become fully engaged
It means being 100% present, eager and fully engaged in every task we accomplish. Practice being emotionally connected, mentally focused, physically energised and spiritually aligned in all aspects of your life. Full engagement is the key to high performance.
3. Create a complaint free zone
The more we blame others or external circumstances, the more negative and comprised our energy is likely to be. The more we take responsibility for our own energy, the more empowered and productive become.
4. Write a bliss list
Write a list of simple things that will make you feel wonderful and nurtured. Once you have your list, make one of your items your priority every day. It is possible to enjoy life even in the most hectic days...this allows energy to be replenished moment by moment!
5. Develop practical, positive habits
Many seemingly trivial things will affect your energy levels like skipping breakfast the tiff with your partner, overdue bills etc. Take control of your life in a practical way. Respect your health, surround yourself with supportive relationships.....a few small habits can go a long way in restoring the energy. They say Health is wealth!!!
6. Tackle the tough stuff first.
Every evening, identify the most important challenge, or the thing you dread doing most the following day and make it your priority for the next morning. Just getting it done will lift you up and you will feel such a sense of accomplishment that you can tackle your other, more fun tasks with renewed vigour.
7. Eat well
Eat breakfast, lunch and lighter evening meal containing a balance of wholegrains, pulses, protein and plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. The best energy boosters are whole, unprocessed foods, organic if possible. It takes a while but once you make this change it makes such a difference!